Born to defy
To deviate from the norm
From the polite trite customs
of she, of her, of femininity
La Brava will not be silenced
Though she cries in silence
Stifling tears behind the mask of brazen boldness
Hidden in the shadows are the voices
The whispers screaming, “you’re not good enough.”
Loud exclamations may help mute them
Mute you
Calling her La Brava
Not a compliment, but
A nickname, a joke, a laugh
To you
Not to her
To her, it’s a scarlet letter
Sticks and stones
Bruising the psyche with each verbalization
You find joy in her pain
You gather, point, and cackle at her sorrow
Her emotions caged inside for your entertainment
Only one revealing itself
Her namesake
A once tame beauty
Now animalistic, filled with superficial spite and disrespect
Failing to fight adversity
She became her name
La Brava
A self-fulfilling prophecy